See Works

Github Games Designs Projects Websites Websites Designs

Hello! I'm Dennis.

I'm a Game Developer, Fullstack Developer, and a Graphics Designer as a hobby.

My Bio

Hi, I'm a Canadian Developer living in Ontario. The programming langauges I use are, Javascript, C#, PHP, and HTML+CSS.

I create games using Unity, and I work for Scuffed Development and Dennisonung Foundation. I publish my software under Dennisonung Foundation on multiple platforms including Mobile and Desktop Operating Systems.

Hello! I'm Dennis.

I'm a Game Developer, Fullstack Developer, and a Graphics Designer as a hobby.

See Works

Github Games Designs Projects websites Websites Designs

My Bio

Hi, I'm a Canadian Developer living in Ontario. The programming langauges I use are, Javascript, C#, PHP, and HTML+CSS.

I create games using Unity, and I work for Scuffed Development and Dennisonung Foundation. I publish my software under Dennisonung Foundation on multiple platforms including Mobile and Desktop Operating Systems.